average size:
average mass:
average lifespan:

body temperature:
2.0m tall
93 kg
150 years
31 C


Physical Appearance and Structure

The Dirdir appear at first to be a strange mix of insect, antelope, and monkey. They stand about 2 m tall, and have a slight frame. They are very muscular and have little fat tissue on their bodies. They have three towed feet that can grip as well as their hands. This alows them to be equally confortable in a tree enviorment as well as on land. Thier legs are built with reversed knees that allow them powerful jumps into the air. Because of this, they normally travel across flat surfaces in a loping gait. Their hands and feet have inch long claws that Dirdir use for hunting.

They are covered with a cool, flexible skin that resembles polished bone.Their skin is rather tough with slight calcium deposits that would reflect a carpace in an earlier stage of evolution. They have two antaennae on either side of thier head. Unlike Vrusk or Velox these are not used as ol'factory sensors, but as mood indicators. They are incandescent and grow brighter when the Dirdir is in the grip of strong emotion.

It is known that males have twelve different types of sexual organs, and females have fourteen. But since Dirdir do not allow outsiders to examine their bodies, even after death, little is known about them.


Diridir eysight is equivilant to that of human, except they have exceptional distance vision. They have viosion that is equivilant to some birds of prey and are some of the deadliest snipers on the Edge.

Dirdir also have a highly developed sense of smell, even in complete blackness they can follow a persons scent. Unfortunately they cannot differentiate between individual scents and cannot follow a person through a metropolotan area by scent.

Their other senses are about equivilant to Humans.


Dirdir have no vocal cords and can not speak in standard Pan-Gal. Their speech is a combination of their sibilant voice,  gestures and the use of  their antennae. Most Dirdir who interact with other races wear a special poly-vox that simulates vocal cords. This causes Dirdir to appear quite unemotional. This is due to the use of their antennae to show emotion.

Society and Customs

The Dirdir developed from tree-dwelling carnivoirs into a complex, caste-ridden race. Their virtues are based on the concept of "zest to overachieve," to prove oneself better then all others at a given thing. The Dirdir have never denied their origins of beasts of prey, and indeed believe that they must give vent to their bloodlust regularly, killing with only tooth and claw. Although they are a fierce and savage race, and their children are lettle better than wild beasts, there is a strong instinct for cooperation among individuals. Aided by this trait, they have developed a spacefaring culture and have left their home planet of Sibol.


Dirdir are an aggresive species. The tend to lean more towards actions than words. Although their first contact was peaceful. Dirdir have started their fare share of disputes among the other races of the edge. The highly respect Yazirians for their battle rages and life enemies. Some youger Dirdirs have taken life enemies for themselves as a show of respect for their beliefs. They tend to shy away from humans because of their variety, Dirdirs view humans as unpredictable and eratic. Vrusk and Dralasites are puzzlements to them as they take to long to act on things. Although they are not as rash as Yazirians, they feel after a certian amount of time for evaluating the situation before action is called for. Dirdir have a strong dislike for Kzin, they believe that if their race can leave them behind, they are instictial to do the same to suit their needs. They appear to get along with Sulidors for the sole purpose that Sulidors can get along with any race, the two have met in long discussions and came out as two old friends reconsiling differences. They are indifferent to Velox and Demu and the rest of the Rim races due to lack of contact.

Special Abilites

Enhanced Sight: Dirdir ignor range penalties when aiming weapons.

Leaping: Dirdir can leap an additional 10m up in the air and 20m distance when jumping.

Scent: Dirdir can track a particular type of creature, he is familiar with as long as the creature does not encounter others of the same kind. If the creature encounter another of it's kind the Dirdir has a percentage chance divided by the number of creatures encountered (i.e. 2 humans cross = 50%, 3 humans cross 33%, etc.). 

From The Dirdir by Jack Vance image from Barlow's Guide to Extraterrestrials