Timothy Norris' Star Frontiers (tm) Creatures / Races Page



During a military deployment back in 1997, I became friends with another member.

During our 12 hr shifts, he was always doodling – without thinking or trying, his drawings were awesome to say the least!

One night, he forgot his notepad back at the barracks, and grabbed mine and just let his hands walk all over my pages.

All the images you see here were done within an hour and all on one page.

After picking my jaw up off the floor, I asked if I could use the drawing for my own RPG.

Without hesitation, he agreed.

These would be perfect for D&D, but I was into Star Frontiers at the time.

I had been creating new planets and worlds at the listserv fans had assigned to me and draw initially.

I wanted new races/creatures for those unexplored planets/worlds/moons.

I had started developing characteristics for them, and had posted up in the listserv for anyone with better creative thinking to assist.

I would love to go back through these and use the Zeb’s rules and update them.

Click the links below to see both sets of images:



(as you can see, some were drawn with injuries, but I did not want to edit and take away from the original)

Thanks, David!!!

(his original artwork is the B&W - I had colorized them years later)

  Maintained by: Timothy Norris    Last Updated 09/28/2001
All Creature drawings were created by David “A10” Aten © 1997 and are used here with his permission!